SEO Myths That You Should Forget!

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), just like a human life, having various myths and misconceptions which keep people confused all the time. If you are from the same pool of confused people, then you have found a right place as herein this blog we are going to discuss popular myths and misconceptions of SEO.

Myth#1 – SEO has no Scope as Google Hates SEO:

Most people think that SEO is just a waste of time and money technique because Google each time prove it with new algo updates by dropping keywords rank.

But that is not true as Google works to make its users happy by eliminating those unnecessary SEO efforts which don't make any sense to SEO. Google doesn’t support Black Hat or Gray Hat SEO efforts. Google will surely drop the website that has gained top ranking with the help of black hat SEO techniques on its next algo updates.

What to do?

So always go with genuine or white hat SEO techniques as no one can shed 10KG weight in TEN days, and the same thing applies on the SEO. It is an ongoing process that needs time, loads of efforts, and surely needs a help of an SEO expert.

Myth#2 – Having an XML/HTML sitemap is Enough to boost your search rankings:

Most people think that XML/HTML sitemap is as necessary as human needs water to survive. They think sitemap is enough to boost the ranking of the website, but the truth is it helps the crawler to find new updates from the websites to index them. It is like an Index of a book which provides information to Google about all URLs of the site and not the foundation of content marketing. Of course, it can lead to more visibility for the website eventually, when the URLs are indexed.

Myth#3 – Link Building is No More Used In the Latest SEO Practice:

When; Johan Meuller from Google webmaster team announced to avoid Link-Building for better results. And this misinterpreted statement from Google impacted on the SEO world, people start believing that Link-building is of no good, but it is far from the truth, as all algos used by Google are based on link-authority and only want people to follow healthy, genuine and meaningful link-building technique.

What to do?

White-hat link building is a useful technique which will slowly grow the rank of your website as it doesn’t come under the violation of Google Guidelines.

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