We always Hunt for Creative Folks Stay Tuned With Us!

Web Designer

Mohali , Punjab , India


  • Post Graduated

Technical skills:


1.) Proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, or other visual design and wire-framing tools.

2.) Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for rapid prototyping.

3.) Excellent visual design skills with sensitivity to user-system interaction.

4.) Ability to solve problems creatively and effectively.

5.) Up-to-date with the latest Web trends, techniques, and technologies.




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Are you looking for a workplace that can ignite your passion to excel? A place that offers the freedom to bring out the best in you... If you think you have it in you, we should talk.

A Few Stats About Us


At Netsterz we make use of latest technologies and processes as we believe in leveraging nothing but the best to our customers. Our professionals combine their years of experience, creativity and technology to build websites that represent ideas, likings and goals of the clients. In addition our experts work their way hard to look for solutions that are search engine friendly and that fits quite well into your SEO plans. Our customized solutions ensure that your newest website is crawled at the earliest by major search engines.